Individual Physical Fitness Consultation
30 minutes
Intake form, identify concerns and goals, mobility and strength assessment.
Create and commit to unique follow up package.
Customized Individual Lifestyle Package
60 minute Initial Assessment, 6 45 weekly sessions
Accountability, Personal Training & Flexibility, Physical Assessment, Training Plan, Navigate Challenges and Modifications, Mindful Movement, Progressional Goal Setting
Customize program that addresses your health and wellness challenges. We will assess motor development, physical strength & flexibility, range of motion, pain management, coordination, posture, and create attainable fitness goals for your ideal physical well being. Understanding your body mechanics, limitations and functional mobility in your current fitness regime.
Customized Post-Rehab/Chronic Conditions Programs
90 minute Initial Assessment, 8 45min weekly sessions
Support Follow Up Plan After Rehab Discharge, MPS Pain Management, Full Body Functional Movement, Home Program Plan, Alignment & Strength, Navigate Chronic Conditions
We will assess your needs for an integrative approach to your physicality. Balance, range of motion, coordination and full body integration creating a healthy approach to your condition. Using mindful movement to navigate through your limitations and helping you feel healthier and stronger. Preparing your body for a more active lifestyle.
Optimal Fitness Refresh Session
30 minutes
Follow Up, Sustainability, Concerns, Refresh, Accountability,
Optimal Fitness Refresh Package
3 Monthly 30 minutes
Follow Up, Sustainability, Concerns, Refresh, Accountability
6 month range
Optimal Fitness Reboot Lifestyle Package
Repeat 90 day Lifestyle Package
Reboot Post Rehab/Chronic Conditions Package
Repeat 90 day Lifestyle Package